21 Mar 2018 McIvor Times, Heathcote VIC (General News) by Michael Mattingly Heathcote Health welcomes state funding to upgrade equipment HEATHCOTE Health has received funding of $260,934 from the state government to upgrade vital equipment. The grant is a part of the $200 million Regional Health Infrastructure Fund, and will allow more Heathcote patients to get high quality care whenever they need it. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes announced the funding while in town attending the sod turning and naming ceremony for the new childrens centre on Tuesday, March 13. This investment will mean better care for patients, modern facilities for staff and easing financial pressure on the budget. Were putting patients first and revamping our rural and regional health services so more patients in Northern Victoria can be treated sooner, closer to home, Ms Symes said. Heathcote Health staff do an amazing job of caring for patients, and these fire safety works will provide staff with safe working conditions. We are supporting the doctors, nurses and staff at Heathcote Health to do their job keeping locals healthy by investing in their facility. The Labor governments investment will secure the future of our local health service and make a real difference to the lives of patients and residents who will get the safe, high quality care and treatment they need. Heathcote Health chief executive Dan Douglass said the grant will provide an opportunity to upgrade important facilities. This funding will enable us to provide much needed improvements to our fire safety systems and provide best possible protection for our residents, patients and staff on our campus, Mr Douglass said. We are supporting the doctors, nurses and staff Jaclyn SymesLicensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.