$9m road upgrades en route

29 Mar 2017 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) by Samantha Dick SERIOUS vehicle accidents on the Great Alpine Road betweeen Wangaratta and Bairnsdale have prompted a $9 million State Government initiative to improve the safety of the popular tourism and freight route. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said the funding will provide for the installation of safety barriers, road shoulder sealing, bridge strengthening and the construction of pullover areas along the road. VicRoads North Eastern regional director Nicki Kyriakou said VicRoads will be looking at intersection improvements, road widening and road surface improvements. In the past five years, there have been 149 casualty crashes on the Great Alpine Road, including eight fatality crashes and 64 serious injury crashes. Of these incidents, 86 were run-off road crashes, including 16 head-on crashes. We are doing everything we can to make this stretch of road a lot safer, to save lives and reduce the risk of serious injuries, Ms Symes said. These upgrades will make the Great Alpine Road safer for everyone that lives, works, or travels through this area. Ms Symes said the scope of the works will be finalised through consultation with the community and local industries. The funding is part of a joint $18 million package of works with the Commonwealth Government as part of the Victoria Infrastructure Package. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.