Alexandra kindergarten officially opened

18 Apr 2018 Alexandra Eildon Marysville Standard, Alexandra VIC (General News) ALEXANDRA and District Kindergartens new building was officially opened on Monday by Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes at a ceremony attended by representatives of Murrindindi Shire Council and children and parents of the kindergarten. The new $405,000 building was ready for the first day of term one thanks to a $325,000 grant from the Victorian Government and council and $80,000 raised by volunteers from the kindergarten. Works saw the removal of the old building and the installation of the new pre-fabricated building, made by KL Modular in Kinglake West and installed by local tradespeople. The new building is a massive upgrade from the old single-room building, with separate rooms for three and four year old kindergarten classes and a staff room and kitchen. Before the formalities, Alexandra and District Kindergarten president Jayne Farnan gave Ms Symes, Murrindindi Shire Council Mayor Charlie Bisset, CEO Craig Lloyd and Councillors Sandice McAulay and Margaret Rae a tour of the new building to show how the children will benefit from it. Ms Bisset said she has a special connection with the kindergarten as her children went there and she was also president for three years, so walking through the doors of the new building was a dream come true for her. The new building increases the number of places to 46, almost double of what the previous building allowed. Ms Symes congratulated the hardworking committee and complemented Ms Bisset saying, You know you have a good mayor when you go to events and shes been there from the start. Im proud to be part of making this dream become a reality, she said. She then asked the children for their thoughts on the new building and if it was better than the old one, all of which answered with a resounding yes. As a parent of two young children, I understand the importance of access to quality childcare in country areas and Im proud that the Victorian Government has delivered on these projects for Alexandra families, Ms Symes said. Were delivering unprecedented investment in early childhood services right across Northern Victoria, so our children can get the most out of their great local kindergarten. Families in Alexandra and surrounding areas will be able to reap the benefits of this investment and give their kids great facilities to receive care and education. This is fantastic news for our local communities in Alexandra. The government is investing in the early years so kids are ready for kindergarten, ready for school and ready for life. The state government has delivered a record $76.4 million to build, expand and improve kindergartens across the state and the governmen will ensure that Eildon electorate kindergartens and childcare centres receive the Government support they need as they grow, she added. Caption Text: Member for Norther Victoria Jaclyn Symes, Murrindindi Shire Council Mayor Charlie Bisset, Councillors Sandice McAulay and Margaret Rae and Alexandra and District Kindergarten president Jayne Farnan with parents and children at the official opening of their new building. -SLicensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.