All aboard the money train

03 Oct 2017 Mountain Views Mail Healesville, Melbourne (General News) by Derek Schlennstedt The Andrews Labor Government is taking action to protect the historic Healesville Railway Station. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, visited Healesville Railway Station on Monday 25 September and announced funding for the conservation project. The project will receive $200,000 of funding as part of the Labor Governments $36.5 million Living Heritage Grants Program. Ms Symes said the funds would cover conservation works to the Healesville Railway Station water tower and cast iron water crane both stunning tributes to the operation of the rail yards in the steam era. Brett Morton president of Yarra Valley Railway thanked the State Government for their generous funding and said the water tower acted as an original landmark for Healesville, and he looked forward to seeing it restored. If you look at pictures of Healesville railway station pre-1890s the thing that has always been there, is the water tower, Brett said. Its one of the original landmarks of Healesville. We really would like to thank the State Government for contributing to the restoration it means that we can get these jobs done. The conservation works follow the current redevelopment works being undertaken at Healesville Railway Station as part of the Yarra Valley railway tourism vision. Visiting the station, Ms Symes said Healesville has a rich and vibrant history, and that it was vital that we conserve our important part of Victorias story. Heritage is a major attraction for Healesville and our region, boosting economic development and providing jobs, Ms Symes said. The Living Heritage Program provides funding for state-listed heritage places and objects that require investment to ensure they can be saved and preserved for future generations and Im very pleased that the Labor Government is delivering again to protect the Healesville Railway Station. Caption Text: Jacyln Symes announced a funding boost of $200,000 to the Healesville Railway for much-needed conservation works. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.