North East Catchment Management Authority has had another strong year, delivering healthier waterways and catchments, jobs and more liveable communities for North East Victoria. Minister for Water Lisa Neville has released the 2015-16 Victorian Catchment Management Authorities Actions and Achievements Report, highlighting the great work getting done by Victorias 10 catchment management authorities (CMAs). CMAs supported communities through the Andrews Labor Governments Victorian Landcare Program. This valuable funding promoted effective participation in Landcare activities through the sharing knowledge with volunteers and assisted communities to deliver local on-ground action. They undertook regional climate change adaptation planning to identify priority landscapes and natural resource management actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation. In addition, they have also shown a dedication to building stronger relationships with Traditional Owners through the finalisation of the Aboriginal Participation Guidelines for CMAs and the identification of Cultural values and uses of water to help build the capacity of the sector to ensure the involvement of Traditional Owners. Highlights for North East CMA include The inaugural Innovation in Landscape Conservation Forum which incorporates the annual John Paul Memorial Lecture Delivery of the 2015-16 Victorian Catchment Management Authorities Actions and Achievements Report, for which North East CMA held the responsivity of development, coordination and publication. Our Catchments Our Communities regional investment Roundtable and forums, which provided community and natural resource management (NRM) partners with an opportunity to help shape future investment in NRM. CMAs play a vital role preparing and implement regional catchment strategies, and deliver very important services including waterway and floodplain management, Ms Symes said. This contributes to improved condition and productivity of our land and catchments. Quotes attributable to Acting CEO for North East CMA Jane Young North East CMA are proud to have continued to provide leadership in protecting and enhancing North East Victorias diverse, productive and natural landscapes through our various projects, investments and partnerships. Across the State, over 66,000 community members participated in local events, 956,851 ha of pest animal and weed control works were completed and 838 km of fencing was installed. The Labor Government has significantly improved funding to CMAs since coming to office, including a recent investment of $190 million to implement the new water plan Water for Victoria. The report is available here