Anzac Day 2017 a district remembers

02 May 2017 The Free Press, Kilmore, VIC (General News) No Briefing Caption Text: March of honour: Broadford resident and Des Callaghan OAM marched in the Broadford Anzac Day parade with his granddaughter Emma Kelley (age five). Emmas family travelled from Point Cook to take part in the march. To the right is Broadford resident and Korean Veteran Stan Simpson (with walking stick). Proud march: Wallan Primary School captains Tatum Jone and Jordan Scicluna proudly led the march as flag bearers for the 2017 Anzac Day parade. Paying their respects: Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and her children Philippa and Archie laid a wreath at the cenotaph during Broadfords Anzac Day service. Dedicated service: Lance Corporal Andrew Logan of the School of Armour Corps Training Wing at the Anzac Day Commemorative Service at Broadford. Andrew is pictured with wife Megan and daughter Hannah. Respect: the Beveridge CFA unit in full force for the Anzac Day commemoration service. Aussie spirit: young Beveridge resident Matthew Zajitz was among the 300 strong crowd at the Beveridge service He was joined by a very special friend in full regalia. Paying respect: Central Ward councillor, Cr David Atkinson, lays a wreath on behalf of the shire at Wandong. Big numbers: rain did not deter the crowds who gathered to pay their respects at the Kilmore dawn service with approximately 400 in attendance. United in song: members of the Lancefield community join with the combined schools choir in a choral tribute to those who served. Photo: Chloe Smith In memoriam: Mitchell Shire Council Mayor Rhonda Sanderson and Cr Bill Chisholm remember those who served at the Pyalong Anzac Day service. Fitting tribute: Pyalong residents took part in a special Anzac Day march. Rod Cookson and Cassidy White are pictured holding the flag. A community remembers: residents of Lancefield and Romsey paid their respects at the Lancefield Anzac Day service. Town turns out: the march to the 11am service in Kilmore saw a record turnout of marchers and spectators. Avenue of Honour: Whittlesea commemorated Australias wartime service with a march through the main streets of the town. Proud marchers: Whittlesea RSL sub-branch president Ned Panuzzo (front row, middle) proudly leads the ex-servicemen in the march. Also pictured are City of Whittlesea Mayor Ricky Kirkham (second row, middle) and Cr John Butler (second row, far right). In our debt: Maj. Tony Gill (ret) of the Wallan Commemorative Committee with Wallan ceremony guest speaker Sgt Justin Matangi of the Royal Australian Army who spoke of the price paid by the families of those who give service. Reminiscing: recollections of those who served in defence of freedom. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.