Bluestone pavers commemorate shires Victoria Cross recipients

11 Oct 2017 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) THREE bluestone pavers were recently installed at the Travellers Rest on Kirkland Avenue, Euroa in honour of the Strathbogie Shires Victoria Cross recipients. This is part of a State Government initiative, in conjunction with the Victorian Anzac Centenary Committee, to help Victorians connect with their Anzac Centenary stories. The three pavers, in honour of VC recipients LieutenantColonel Leslie Maygar, Corporal Alexander Burton and Major Frederick Tubb, provide a great opportunity for locals and visitors stopping in Euroa to acknowledge the gallant efforts of these men. Victoria currently has 32 Victoria Cross recipients, and each town will receive a bluestone paver in their honour. Euroa is a place of considerable significance as the only region in the entire Commonwealth to be home to three citizens granted the prestigious award. Visitors to the Travellers Rest are also directed to the opposite end of Kirkland Avenue to the three bronze life-size statues immortalising Maygar, Burton and Tubb at the special tribute at VC Memorial Park. Dubbed Honouring Our Heroes, the five-year $300,000 project was undertaken by a small group of locals to create a memorial for the three VCs, which officially opened in November 2014. The project was especially significant for the families of the recipients, with both the Burton and Tubb lines continuing in this district today and Maygars Hill, just north of Longwood, named in LtCol Maygars honour. The statues contain storyboards which give visitors the opportunity to discover their remarkable tales of bravery. Strathbogie Shire mayor Amanda McClaren said the memorials were a fantastic way to acknowledge the Victoria Cross recipients and all who have served the country. Our wartime history is a significant part of our communities and our nation, she said. The pavers provide another beautiful setting in which locals and visitors to the region can take the time to appreciate the bravery of our recipients. Caption Text: HONOURING THEIR BRAVERY: (from left) Strathbogie Shire mayor Amanda McClaren, Euroa RSL sub-branch vice-president Robert Holdsworth, Seven Creeks ward councillor John Mason and Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) revealing the three Victoria Cross bluestone pavers laid at the Euroa Travellers Rest in honour of our three VC recipients. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.