Burramines Ovens Valley candidate

31 Oct 2018 Yarrawonga Chronicle, Yarrawonga VIC (General News) Born and raised in Burramine, Kate Doyle is returning home to contest the upcoming Victorian State Election as Labors candidate for Ovens Valley. Ms Doyle was educated at Burramine South Primary School, Yarrawonga Sacred Heart Secondary School and Galen College in Wangaratta. The Doyle family is well known in the area, with the fifth generation of Doyles now living in the original Burramine farm house. Ms Doyle has a background in marketing, accounting, radio producing, dairy farming, small business and has an expertise in primary industry and agri-food markets. She is currently working in the education sector. Now residing in Melbourne with her husband Paul and two teenage daughters, Ms Doyle is really pleased with what the Victorian Labor Government has delivered to the North East and believes that through a Labor local member the region will go from strength to strength. The Andrews Labor Government have invested in the things that matter to the residents of Ovens Valley including, jobs, health, education, the environment and are rebuilding sporting and community facilities I want to build on that work and make the electorate a better place to live, work and raise a family. Ms Doyle said I want a strong TAFE system that has quality training that leads to real local jobs, its vital we have attractive employment opportunities for our young people. I had to move away from the area in pursuit of a career and I dont want other young people to feel that is their only option. The coalition have taken the electorate of Ovens Valley for granted as it is a safe seat, I would like to see our local communities send a message that they deserve more and want more from their local member. I believe we need a strong voice in parliament, someone focused on the issues that matter most to country people and I know I can be that person. Im proud of Labors investment in North East Victoria, but there is plenty of work still to do I want locals to have the option to vote for a committed Labor candidate. Ms Doyle said she will be working closely with Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes to visit the many communities in the Ovens Valley electorate and engaging on the things that really matter to country people.