Cash to help palliative care

17 May 2017 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) by Sionnie Kelly FUNDING WILL HELP MAKE THINGS A LITTLE EASIER FOR THOSE ACCESSING END-OF-LIFE CARE SERVICES Goulburn Valley Hospice Care executive manager Carmel Smith says the $91 000 the organisation received recently from the Victorian Government would make a real difference to the service it delivered. GV Hospice Care received the funding as part of the Victorian Governments $5 million equipment fund for palliative care and it will be used to provide a transport van, new electric beds and iPads and software to ensure patients receive safe, comfortable care and staff can stay up-to-date while caring for patients in their homes. GV Hospice Care has been operating in Shepparton for almost 30 years and plays a key role in supporting people with terminal illnesses who wish to die at home. About 60 people are currently accessing the free service which provides carers with 24/7 support. Ms Smith said the funding announcement was wellreceived and GV Hospice Care also planned to use the money to buy hospital beds and electric recliners. She said funding such as this provided carers with extra assistance. It just makes it easier for the carers to look after someone at home, Ms Smith said. Its always good that theyve got us to call at night or on the weekends. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said every Victorian should be able to access compassionate end-of-life care. The new equipment and transport van will make a real difference for seriously ill patients and their families in Shepparton by improving access to the community palliative care they need, she said. Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessy has also announced the second round of the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund which will be expanded to include publicly funded community palliative care services. In addition to palliative care services, the second round includes all health, community health, aged care, womens health and Aboriginal communitycontrolled health organisations. Health services can also apply to buy equipment including furniture, fittings and medical equipment or upgrade essential infrastructure such as plant equipment, systems to reduce power and water usage and information and communications technology. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.