College pupils first to get free glasses

30 Nov 2016 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Seymour College students will receive free eye testing and glasses at school in a Victorian-first program. Under the Victorian Governments Glasses for Kids program, students in Prep to Year 3 at the school will now be able to have their eyes tested and receive free glasses. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said children with undiagnosed vision problems often found it hard to concentrate at school, leading to poor results and bad behaviour, yet many struggling families avoided eye testing because of the cost. The Victorian Government has certainly been looking out for our local children, with Seymour College students also able to access free breakfast through the School Breakfast Club in order to concentrate, learn and reach their full potential, as well have access to regular healthcare at school as part of the Doctors in Secondary Schools program. We are putting people first with free eye testing and glasses for kids at northern Victorian schools most in need so that every child has the opportunity to thrive in the classroom, Ms Symes said. Whether its making sure kids have a full stomach, access to a GP or the chance to go on excursions, were making sure every student has the chance to make the most of school. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.