Courts give teams more opportunities

Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) by Fraser Walker-Pearce Local clubs that play in the Benalla Netball Association are set for the ultimate home-court advantage thanks to two new netball courts at Churchill Reserve. The courts were officially opened on Friday by Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Benalla Rural City Mayor Don Firth. Ms Symes said the redeveloped courts were made possible by an Andrews Labor Government Country Football and Netball Program grant. The Benalla Netball Association received $80 000 from this program to replace the two courts with new competition-standard courts complete with lighting, meaning association clubs can host more training and games day and night. I played on the old courts and they were definitely in need of retirement, so I am very pleased that Labor, together with the Benalla Netball Association, has been able to fund this redevelopment, Ms Symes said. Labor has listened to netball teams in Benalla who said they could offer more opportunities for people to play netball, but they needed more courts for more games and training, and we have delivered. Better courts are also a huge boost for the local netball community providing more opportunity to host regional competitions and bolster the reserves reputation as an important development ground for up-and-coming, players, umpires and coaches. Grassroots sport is so often the bedrock of our country towns, so Labor is proud to support the Benalla Netball Association and our local clubs to build the facilities they truly deserve, Ms Symes said. This is a big win for Benalla netballers, it gives everyone the chance to play the sport they love, have fun, make friends and keep active day and night. The redeveloped netball courts were funded in partnership with the Churchill Memorial Reserve Committee of Management and Benalla Netball Association. This is a big win for Benalla netballers, it gives everyone the chance to play the sport they love, have fun, make friends and keep active day and night