Cuts will hurt neighbourhoods

28 Feb 2018 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Neighbourhood houses in Seymour stand to lose out on vital funding due to the federal government walking away from a national childcare program, according to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes. The program due to expire in July funds flexible childcare for 143 providers in Victoria, 51 of which are neighbourhood houses. Ms Symes said Malcolm Turnbulls cut will pull more than $800 000 from them each year, including nearly $80 000 from Bandiana, Baranduda, Kilmore, Seymour and Wallan Neighbourhood Houses. Losing this funding will be a huge loss to neighbourhood houses across the state, including those in my electorate in Mitchell Shire, Ms Symes said. Neighbourhood houses provide services and opportunities for people from all walks of life their work is so important, particularly in country towns. Neighbourhood houses are a wonderful part of our communities and thats why we continue to back them. While were investing, the Federal Liberals and Nationals have slashed the occasional childcare program and put funding at risk all while the Victorian Coalition simply stands by and watches. Our local children, and those who care for them deserve better. Once again, the Liberals and Nationals are dudding Victorians and ripping away vital funding. Ms Symes said the Victorian Government funds 375 houses in the state along with 16 neighbourhood house networks. In 2017-18, Ms Symes said, the Victorian Government provided about $30 million in recurrent funding to support neighbourhood houses, house networks and the peak body, Neighbourhood Houses Victoria.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.