Defibrillators to make clubs safer

09 Nov 2016 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Seymour Pony Club will soon have a life-saving defibrillator on the grounds after the Andrews Labor Government announced it is equipping 20 clubs in country Victoria with a defibrillator. Labor Upper House member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, . announced the 20 Northern Vice torian clubs receiving the life saving device as part of the sec ond round of the Defibrillators Grants Program. Ms Symes said the Labor Gov ernment promised to install life saving defibrillators at 1000 grassroots clubs across Victoria, and thats exactly what were doing. Ms Symes said more than a dozen Victorians suffer cardiac arrest every day, so this investment will save lives. When cardiac arrest strikes, theres not a second to spare and Im thrilled to be able to give these local clubs the extra security in case an emergency arises, Ms Symes said. Early intervention greatly increases the likelihood of survival during cardiac arrest. Having a defibrillator means players, parents and spectators can step in and take action until paramedics arrive. A persons chance of survival during cardiac arrest decreases by 10 per cent with every minute that passes. There simply isnt a second spare. Defibrillators at local sports clubs keep players safe and spectators protected, but theyre also a vital tool for the community. Each device will be registered with Ambulance Victorias database, giving triple zero operators a handy guide of where to find one when an emergency strikes nearby. Caption Text: First aid: Seymour Pony Club to receive life saving defibrillator. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.