Dr next year for students

24 Jan 2017 Gannawarra Times, Gannawarra (General News) KERANG Technical High School will be among the last group of 100 schools across the State to welcome the Doctors in Secondary Schools program. Twenty schools will receive the program from term one this year, with a further 40 to commence from term three 2017 and the remaining 40 including Kerang from term one 2018. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said the program would tackle barriers preventing young people from accessing health care, such as concerns about confidentiality, cost and not knowing where to go. We know young people have some of the lowest GP attendance rates, meaning many are missing out on the vital healthcare they need, she said. Students will be able to see a GP on-site and get on top of health problems early, including mental health issues. As is the case with all GPs in the community, doctors will decide whether students are mature enough to consent to treatment or whether parent or carer consent is needed. The health information of young people will be confidential and managed according to law. The State Government invited 166 secondary schools to apply for the program, based on Student Family Occupation and Education index. There were 135 applications received, and that was narrowed to 100 schools. More information is available at www.education.vic. gov.au/about/programs/ health/Pages/doctors-secondary-schools.aspx. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.