Echucas line is back on track

04 Nov 2016 Riverine Herald, Echuca VIC (General News) MAJOR maintenance and renewal works on the Echuca train line are now complete, with trains back up and running. During the past four weeks, more than 1500 V/Line staff and contractors worked around-theclock upgrading tracks, strengthening bridges and removing mud holes on the Echuca, Bendigo and Swan Hill lines. Construction crews replaced nearly 40,000 sleepers and 25,000 tonnes of ballast between Sunbury and Swan Hill. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes thanked commuters for their patience throughout the works. I know it has been disruptive over the past four weeks but the benefits of this significant investment will last decades, ensuring people in northern Victoria continue to have safe, reliable services where they need to be, she said. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.