Election race starts

23 May 2017 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) CANDIDATES for the Upper House Northern Victoria Region 2018 state election have been preselected with sitting MPs Jaclyn Symes and Wendy Lovell among those nominated. In a statement to the media, Labor Member of the Victorian State Parliament in the Legislative Council, Jaclyn Symes said she was proud to be preselected as the Labor Party candidate and thanked the many party members, colleagues and community members who have encouraged her. Im very proud of what I and the government are delivering for Northern Victoria, under Labor it is now easier to get into the housing market, expand your business and like me raise your family in country Victoria, Ms Symes said. Whether it is rebuilding our schools like Benalla P-12 College, Seymour College or Echuca Primary schools, investing in our hospitals including those in Shepparton, Wangaratta and Albury/Wodonga, supporting farmers and producers to access the market, creating jobs and boosting tourism opportunities with funding projects such as the North East cycling infrastructure or improving train services, I will continue to work hard for the country communities I represent. Liberal Party member Wendy Lovell will also be contesting one of the five Upper House Northern Victoria Region seats following the announcement that the party is endorsing her candidacy for the number one position on the Coalition ticket. Acknowledging the local community for their ongoing support, Ms Lovell said she is excited to be given the opportunity to be elected to continue working to deliver assistance to the approximately 500,000 constituents in the region. I have been a member of state parliament for 15 years, since being first elected to the upper house seat of North Eastern Province in 2002, which became part of the Northern Victoria Region following the reform of the upper house in 2006, Ms Lovell said. I am proud that my party has recognised that I will continue advocating for better health, education, transport, employment and economic outcomes amongst other things for the region, and that I will continue to make sure regional Victorias needs are front and centre in the parliament, regardless of which party is elected to government in 2018. I look forward to having the opportunity to continue my hard work for Northern Victoria and the wider Victorian community. The Nationals have not commenced their preselection process for the upper house as yet. Luke OSullivan, Nationals Member for Northern Victoria, told the North Central Review that he expected his partys process would commence later this year or early next year. Member for Euroa, Steph Ryan has also advised that preselection for the seat of Euroa will most likely take place in the first quarter of next year. Meanwhile, Mark Gepp, a former union official and ministerial adviser to Jane Garrett has also been preselected for the Upper House seat of Northern Victoria, alongside Ms Symes. Mr Gepp will replace former Labor MP Steve Herbert who was forced to resign last year after the PuppyGate scandal in which it was revealed that he had asked his government chauffeur to transport his dogs across the state without him in the car. Mr Gepp will be sworn in and will formally take his seat during a joint sitting of the parliament. The 2018 Victorian state election will be held on Saturday, November 24, 2018 to elect 88 members to the Legislative Assembly and 40 members to the Legislative Council. The election will be conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission. At the 2014 election, Labor won majority government with 47 seats. The Coalition won 38 seats, with the Liberal party winning 30 and the National party winning eight. On the crossbench, the Greens won two seats and Independent Suzanna Sheed won the seat of Shepparton. In the Upper House Labor won 14 seats; the Coalition won 16 seats (14 Liberal, two National); the Greens won five seats; the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party won two seats; and the Sex Party, Democratic Labour Party, and Vote 1 Local Jobs party won one seat each. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.