Euroa hospital bed win

23 Aug 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) by Tara Whitsed Euroa residents can breathe a sigh of relief. After years of campaigning, it has been announced Euroa Health has a limited number of public hospital beds. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said a new deal had been struck between Goulburn Valley Health and Euroa Health that would have local public patients treated sooner. She said the Victorian Government would commit $139 000 to support the initiative in 2017-18. I would like to congratulate the Euroa Health CEO Wayne Sullivan and the board who have worked hard to put this agreement in place which will now see Euroa patients treated closer to home, Ms Symes said. Mr Sullivan said the board had been working toward having the capacity to treat public patients for some time. The addition of public bed capacity, be it limited will prove to be a valuable addition, he said. According to the Victorian Government, the public bed deal meant some patients could be admitted directly to Euroa Health, while others would be transferred from Goulburn Valley Health to Euroa Health to continue inpatient hospital care and treatment and recovery. Several patients this year had been admitted to Euroa program under the arrangement. Euroa residents now have greater access to safe and high-quality hospital care in their own community, Ms Symes said. Doctors, nurses and staff at Euroa Health do a fantastic job. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.