Ever ton CFA toget equipment funding

05 Jun 2017 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) by Freyja Postlethwaite LOCAL emergency service volunteers are set to cash in on a well-deserved funding boost. The Everton CFA will receive almost $7000 in State Government funding to go towards purchasing new operational equipment. Everton is among many emergency service organisations that will share in more than $700,000 of additional funding from the Emergency Services Volunteer Sustainability Grants program announced by Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) last Thursday. Everton CFA Lieutenant Ray Glendenning said the grant is wonderful recognition for the ability of the brigade. We applied for the grant because of the type of country we operate in, Mr Glendenning told the Wangaratta Chronicle. It gets very dry in the summer, and we hope the new equipment will increase our capacity to react to and suppress fires. The funding will go towards purchasing a quick-fill trailer which can be set up to efficiently refill a tank in the case of a fire, and to provide additional lighting when necessary. We have a very strong membership in the range of 60 people so we wont have any problems manning our machines. This funding will definitely help a lot of people as we are very involved in assisting brigades from surrounding areas. Ms Symes congratulated the Everton CFA for its successful grant application which will assist hard working volunteers in the crucial work they do. The Emergency Services Volunteer Sustainability Grants program has been established to ensure emergency management volunteers can continue to deliver their crucial work, protecting country Victorian properties and lives, she said. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.