Funding to push muscat wineries

30 Jan 2018 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) by Shana Morgan THE home of muscat wines in Victoria will be known as Rutherglen when seven wineries in the town join together and use Victorian government funding to better promote their products. Wineries including Campbells will each have a unique visitor experience including improved websites, digital marketing and new displays at the Rutherglen Visitor Information Centre. The total of $100,000 announced yesterday will also be used for Buller Wines to develop a wine export program to China, Cofield Wines to purchase labelling equipment and allow them to add a say it with vino to their bottles, Lake Moodemere Vineyards to expand its cellar door and dining space, Rutherglen Estates to upgrade its ageing irrigation system, and Valhalla Wines to redevelop its old cellar door. Promoting Rutherglen to the world market as the home of muscat is an exciting project with potential to bring significant economic and social benefits to the region, Northern Victoria MP Jaclyn Symes said. SHANA MORGAN Caption Text: POPULAR WINES: The Rutherglen wine region will benefit from $100,000.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.