Funding to upgrade cricket pitch at Euroa

31 Jan 2018 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) A cricket pitch at Euroa has been given a friendly helping hand to expand. A co-funded upgrade of Friendlies Oval will see the development of a new surface. The oval will be widened at the north and south ends by 6 m and a new watering system and white picket fencing installed. The ovals existing concrete wicket will be removed, so multiple turf wickets can be built in the centre of the ground. A $100 000 Victorian Government grant helps fund the major upgrade, combined with $50 000 from the ovals management committee and $50 000 from Strathbogie Shire Council. The Victorian Government funding is through the Community Sports Infrastructure Fund Cricket Facilities fund. Deputy Mayor John Mason said the project was a major windfall for the area. It is an incredible opportunity for Euroa to establish what will be an iconic sporting ground at its completion, situated on one of the main entrances to the town. The end product will be a highcalibre facility which will be valued and utilised by not only its many user groups but the whole community, he said. He congratulated the Friendlies Oval Committee of Management on raising more than $50 000 for the project. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes announced the funding last week. Future stages of the ovals redevelopment are being planned and will result in external amenities being updated and landscaped, with the development of a new multi-purpose clubhouse further down the track. Caption Text: Friendly game: Andrew Crosbie, Deputy Mayor John Mason, Georgia Gall, Olivia Gall, Ben DeAraugo from Cricket Victoria, Seven Creeks Ward Councillor Mick Williams, Connor McCoombe, Friendlies Reserve Committee members Rob Asquith and Peter Morley, with Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.