Funds to stop violent offenders

13 Sep 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) The Victorian Government is expanding programs that assist men who have committed family violence to take accountability for their actions. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes has announced $521 404 for family violence programs and referral services in the Goulburn area. The investment will support local agencies to deliver mens behavioural change programs and services across the state. We know the devastating impact that men who commit family violence has on their own families, as well as the wider community this is about making men accountable for their actions and helping them address their behaviours, Ms Symes said. These programs educate and assist men to acknowledge the impact of their violence and change their behaviour through groupbased intervention. It will also support the No to Violence and Mens Referral Services to provide information and guidance on mens family violence to perpetrators, frontline staff and the community. The funding supports a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Family Violence that more mens behavioural change programs be made available to meet the demands of the community and of court orders. The Labor Government is working to end family violence through its $1.9 billion package of measures in the Victorian Budget 2017/18. This record investment includes $49.4 million during four years for the Changing Perpetrator Behaviour initiative. The government will provide further funding for this initiative following the completion of a co-design process with relevant agencies. Funding will also go to establishing 17 support and safety hubs across the state, delivering after-hours crisis support, counselling and therapy for victims of family violence, and developing a 10-year plan. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.