Government grants to provide defibrillators for sports clubs

22 Nov 2017 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) SPORTS GRANTS THE Victorian Government is urging sporting clubs to apply for life-saving defibrillators through the fourth round of the Defibrillators for Sporting Clubs and Facilities Program. Jaclyn Symes (MLA, Norther Victoria) recently called on grassroots sport and recreation clubs to apply for a defibrillator and volunteer training through the program. Nearly 900 defibrillators have gone out to sports clubs and facilities across Victoria since the 2015-16 Victorian State Budget committed $2.7 million to provide 1000 of the machines. The Defibrillators for Sporting Clubs and Facilities Program aims to equip more clubs with an automated external defibrillator and also provide essential training. Defibrillators are a vital link in the chain of survival, and along with CPR give cardiac arrest victims on and off the sporting arena a better chance at survival. Ms Symes said there was overwhelming demand in the first three rounds of the program and urged all country sport and recreation clubs to consider applying for a defibrillator through the program. The response in Northern Victoria has been fantastic to this Andrews Labor Government initiative and I am certainly encouraging clubs that havent applied to do so, Ms Symes said. Access to a defibrillator, along with people trained in first aid and CPR, is crucial to saving lives. In a life-threatening situation every second counts and people in Northern Victoria deserve the best chance at surviving a sudden cardiac arrest. If clubs do receive a defibrillator they should register with Ambulance Victoria to ensure it is correctly installed and relevant people trained to use it. Applications are open now and will close on December 22. For more information or to apply for the Defibrillators for Sporting Clubs and Facilities Program visit Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.