Group is working to make streets safer

15 Sep 2017 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) by Simone Kerwin WANGARATTA residents pushing for safe pedestrian crossings in Murdoch Road were buoyed by a meeting with Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) on Wednesday. Jacqui Smith, Victoria Mallinder and Kristen Glenister, members of Safe Streets Wangaratta, met with Ms Symes to discuss their concerns about the need for crossing points to service students commuting to and from Cathedral College, and Our Ladys, Yarrunga, St Patricks and Wangaratta primary schools. Ms Symes said she was impressed by the extensive groundwork and commitment of the group. These are capable, busy women looking after their community and standing up for it, she said. Well keep the dialogue open in terms of all opportunities that may be available. Road safety is certainly on my radar, and the fact they have done this much work, made submissions, and have got the community thinking is great to see. Ms Symes said she would be on the phone on her drive home from Wangaratta to determine what large and small scale funding avenues may be available to advance changes sought by the group, which include council conducting a pedestrian access and mobility strategy for the citys central business district. I will have a look at everything, she said. Ms Smith said Wednesdays meeting was a positive development for the group. It provides us with the next step, she said. Ms Glenister agreed: And it might be a big step to connect us with funding opportunities. The group hopes Rural City of Wangaratta council and VicRoads will consider more than one crossing point along busy Murdoch Road. Ms Mallinder said a wider view of the situation was required, to ensure it was sufficient to cater for all users of the corridor. Caption Text: TALKING SAFETY: Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) was impressed by the groundwork done by Safe Streets Wangaratta members Jacqui Smith, Victoria Mallinder and Kristen Glenister during their meeting in the rural city on Wednesday. PHOTO: Emma Hillier Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.