Harry is a local champion

13 Sep 2017 Kyabram Free Press, Kyabram VIC (General News) by Charmayne Allison RUSHWORTHS Harry Ashton has been announced as the Learn Local Volunteer Champion at this years Victorian Learn Local Awards. But he seems more interested in talking about what others are up to. A lot of the awards went to people who were doing things I didnt even know about. People are doing some amazing things to help their communities, he said. The local legend, who has played a key role in transforming lives through the Rushworth Community House and Mens Shed, said he was surprised to receive the award. It was definitely unexpected. Like everybody there, I do these things because I really like people not for a pat on the back, he said. Just making someone smile through what I do is so rewarding. Ive been volunteering for years and I plan to continue for many years to come, while Im still young. I hope this award will inspire others to get involved in their communities. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes congratulated Mr Ashton on receiving the award. We have so many locals like Harry giving back to the community and these awards are a chance for us to show them our appreciation, she said. The Victorian Learn Local Awards recognise the contribution of the more than 300 Learn Local organisations and the staff who work tirelessly to help others. Ms Symes said the Andrews Labor Government is building a strong training system, ensuring all Victorians regardless of age, postcode or background have access to high-quality training. Learn Locals have also benefited from the governments $20 million reconnect program, which provides wrap around support to help Victorias most disadvantaged learners into training. Caption Text: Volunteer Harry Ashton. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.