Helping sport grow

22 Nov 2016 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) FOOTBALL and netball clubs within the Mitchell Shire will be able to update grounds and build facilities they need with the help from the state governments country Football Netball Program. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes and Member for Yan Yean, Danielle Green have announced the next round of grants program that gives regional Victorian safe, modern facilities. Ms Green said football and netball clubs are the lifeblood of Mitchell Shire, where families make friends, young players become stars and the community gathers to support local heroes. Our government recognises the enormous importance of local footy and netball and were trying to give players, parents, volunteers and fans the great facilities they deserve, Ms Green said. Our community has a proud history of producing some great sportsmen and women. By investing in facilities were doing our bit to help uncover the next Brownlow medallist or Diamonds champion, she said. We want all Victorians to have access to safe, modern facilities that they can be proud of, no matter where they live, Ms Green said. Ms Symes said the program has delivered $22.3 million to more than 400 projects right around the state since it was introduced in 2005. Clubs can apply for grants of up to $100,000 for a variety of works like change room upgrades, court refurbishments, ground resurface works or new lighting, Ms Symes said. Our government is listening to grassroots clubs in places like Mitchell Shire, who say they need infrastructure upgrades to keep up with growing participation rates, she said. For more information or to apply online, visit Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.