Labors Benambra candidate named

05 Sep 2018 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) ANOTHER candidate has been added to the race for Benambra with Wodongas Mark Tait being preselected as Labors candidate for the state seat in this years Victorian State Election. There are now two challengers to Liberal MP Bill Tilley who has held the Benambra seat, which takes in the Kiewa Valley, since 2006. In April, former policy advisor for Cathy McGowan (MHR, Indi), Jacqui Hawkins announced she would be running as an independent for the electorate. Mr Tait who lives in Wodonga with his wife and two children has worked in North East Victoria for more than 22 years representing workers and their rights. He said he was proud to be representing his community as the Labor candidate for Benambra. Through my work I have seen firsthand the challenges facing young people, families, older Australians, people working in changing industries and our farmers, Mr Tait said. Victorian Labor has consistently championed our communitys needs in jobs, health, education, the environment and social justice, and I want to continue that work to make the electorate of Benambra a better place to live, work and raise a family. I know that in Benambra, Labor will keep working to provide better schools for our kids, more jobs for our growing community, better education and training services to keep people in the workforce, improved access to health services and childcare. Mr Tait said he was confident he could build on the work of Upper House members for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Mark Gepp if elected on November 24. Im proud of Labors investment in Benambra, but there is plenty of work to do, he said. We have a growing and changing community in Benambra, and we need to cater for that growth in our suburbs while at the same time helping and growing our world class farming and manufacturing sectors. I believe we need a strong voice in parliament and I want to be that voice for the people of Benambra. Benambra families need a voice in government every day, not just at election time, and I will be a strong voice fighting every day for our community.