Level crossing upgrades

25 Oct 2017 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Driver safety in the Monea and Longwood communities has been boosted by vital upgrades to level crossings in the area. Work on the crossings has been completed, with new boom gates and lights installed at the level crossings on Williams Rd, Monea and Oxenburys Rd, Longwood. Were upgrading dangerous and high-risk level crossings along the NorthEast line, because we want to make near misses and collisions with trains a thing of the past, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said. New boom gates and lights will make it easier for drivers to see oncoming trains, while also keeping V/Line passengers and staff safe. So far, 25 road crossings and seven pedestrian crossings have been upgraded under the program, with more than half of these crossings on the North-East line. In total, 52 high-risk road crossings and 25 dangerous pedestrian crossings across the state will be upgraded. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.