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21 Feb 2018 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (Letters) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Contracts should be honoured The Benalla Ensign, February 14, in regard to the proposed concrete manufacturing facility, noted, the factory, which will be operated by the John Holland group, will supply the Westgate Tunnel project as its first contract. It is not unreasonable to expect that the John Holland Group already has a contract or a guarantee that they will get the contract. Ms Ryan, might be the locawl member, but it could be argued that, given Miss Ryans position within the National Party and the extra workload involved, this would compromise her effectiveness in representing Benalla. It would seem, Jaclyn Symes, the State Member for Northern Victoria has been more effective in this regard. In other words, when it comes to the ALP and LNP, for the voters of Benalla, six of one, a half dozen of the other. Given the billions that it cost Victorians for Daniel Andrews to cancel the contracts entered into by the previous LNP when he took power, if he lost the next election, it would be beyond belief for an incoming LNP government to try the same stunt. Contracts should be honoured on the basis that something with an increased debt, is better than nothing with an increased debt. It could be argued, that the major political parties rely on verbal diarrhoea to cover their actual agenda and in reality, voters in the next election will be faced with the frying pan or the fire. Concrete would provide insulation against both. Benalla badly needs this plant. It is not impossible for the ALP and the LNP to get together and work together to get this plant built and give John Holland the necessary guarantees to make this plant viable. For heavens sake, do something positive for people other than yourselves for a change. Seventy-five per cent of Victorians might die from shock if you actually co-operated on something, but hey, take the risk. P Carter, BenallaLicensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.