Record funding puts patients first

06 Dec 2016 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) THE State Government will boost ambulance resources across the district with Broadford and Mernda set to receive their first ever ambulance stations. Announced last week by Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes and Member for Yan Yean, Danielle Green the ambulance stations are part of a record $500 million investment over five years to employ 450 more paramedics, buy new vehicles and build new branches across the state. Broadfords ambulance station will be staffed by seven full-time equivalent paramedics, while Mernda will received a new 24-hour team with 14 full-time paramedics and a new ambulance vehicle. The new purpose-built stations will feature drive in-and-out garage bay for vehicles, rest and recline areas, training rooms, bedrooms, modern amenities and fully-fitted out kitchen. Ms Symes told the North Central Review that the government is putting people first with an investment to cut ambulance response times and save more lives. I am raising my family here in Broadford and understand from conversations I have had with residents how important such a facility is for our town, Ms Symes said. I am proud Labor will be delivering the first ever ambulance station for my local community. We are putting patients in Broadford first and giving paramedics in the Mitchell Shire the support they deserve and need to do what they do best, which is saving lives. In a bold investment to improve response times, Ms Green said the community can have a great deal of confidence that the ambulance crisis is over and that local resources are close by should they or their family need them. The new ambulance stations in Mernda will make a huge difference to this communitys hardworking and dedicated paramedics and makes room for more paramedics on the road, Ms Green explained. Response times are down 59 seconds. It shows that increased funding is working but theres still more to do. This is the largest cash injection to our ambulance services in history. In addition to the 450 new jobs, building new and upgrading branches across the state, and purchasing new vehicles and equipment, the $500 million package includes the establishment of six new super response centres. Northern Melbourne will also benefit from one of these centres to meet growing demand in the region. The super response centre will enable the flexible deployment of additional paramedics who can support local paramedics to respond during periods of peak demand. This funding is on top of the $144 million provided in the Victorian Budget 2016/17, which included the $60 million Response Time Rescue Fund to improve ambulance response times. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.