Rumble strips installed on major roads

28 Jun 2017 Yea Chronicle, Yea VIC (General News) RUMBLE strips have been installed along hundreds of kilometres of roads in Northern Victoria as part of a $1.2 billion safety project by the state government. Three major roads in the Murrindindi Shire have been included in the plan. The Goulburn Valley Highway, from Eildon Jamieson Rd to Seymour (57.6km); the Melba Highway, from Yea to Mt Slide (37.8km); and the Maroondah Highway, from Narbethong to Mansfield (90.3km). More roads further north have also been included. Centre lines have been widened on higher-risk roads, separating vehicles travelling in opposite directions by up to one metre. Across Victoria, six out of 10 crashes involve vehicles crossing the centre line, with fatigue and driver distraction among the major causes. Last year, run off road and head on crashes accounted for 159 deaths in Victoria. According to research, installing rumble strips on two-lane roads can reduce the risk of run-off-road and head-on crashes by up to 20 per cent. Deaths on country roads are four times higher than on metropolitan roads, Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said. People make mistakes on the road, but no one should die because of them. Every high-speed rural road, with moderate traffic, will be fitted with rumbles strips under the Labor Governments $1.2 billion safety project. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.