Safer, secure court

10 Oct 2018 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Safety and security were at the forefront of more than $300 000 in upgrades at Seymour Law Court. Built in 1974, the court hears Magistrates Court, Childrens Court, Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal and Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal matters. The building upgrade, which was completed in June, provides people affected by family violence with safer court facilities, including a new private waiting area and interview room, and security improvements to the entrance and registry. Works also included roof repairs, painting and plastering, improved heating and cooling, new carpet and new disabled toilet facilities. Additional security measures at the court were also introduced in December, with three new security officers at the court on sitting days to undertake entry screening, provide a roving security presence and escort vulnerable court users when needed. The upgrades and new security officers formed part of the Victorian Governments $58.1 million investment in court safety and security upgrades across the state in the 2016-17 budget and $12.2 million investment in court sustainability in the 2017-18 budget. The court continued to sit during the renovation period, with almost 5200 hearings held during 2017-18, including 755 family violence matters. The refurbishment is of real benefit to everyone attending the Seymour Law Court, and especially for those participating in family violence-related proceedings, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said. Attorney-General Martin Pakula, who joined Ms Symes on a tour of the facilities on Wednesday, said the Victorian Government had delivered a record investment in courts infrastructure across the state. Were implementing all of the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence and providing more support for victims in regional and remote communities across northern Victoria, he said.