Safety for Yea Primary School students

01 Mar 2017 Yea Chronicle, Yea VIC (General News) NEW electronic speed signs will be installed on the Melba Highway near the Yea Primary School, making it safer for students to get to and from school. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, said the new signs will help make drivers more aware of children crossing the road during the morning and afternoon school drop-off periods. Children are our most vulnerable road users and reduced speeds near schools will help to keep them safe. All drivers must slow down near school speed zones. The Melba Highway is a key route used by tourists visiting Yea, Lake Eildon and the snowfields, with traffic increasing during the holiday and snow seasons. The Andrews Labor Government has provided $80,000 to install the new signs, following consultation with Yea Primary School and the Murrindindi Shire Council. Keeping children safe is everybodys esponsibility, and these new speed signs will remind motorists to slow down, look up and be alert, Ms Symes said. We know lower speeds save lives, and his upgrade will be in place before students it Yea Primary finish their first term of chool. The new electronic speed signs are expected to be installed by the end of the first school term of2017. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.