Safety upgrade for Kilmore PS

Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) KILMORE Primary School will receive a new fence and gates to improve student safety at the campus. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, has announced that Kilmore Primary School will receive $60,000 to upgrade the fence around the school oval and for the removal of existing fences and gates. Currently, the fence at the backend of the school is insecure and a safety concern for the school community. The problem section runs along Lancefield Road, Conway Street and back up to the corner of the school near the old railway house. The busy roads service a number of local schools. Both of the roads border the school oval where a substantial number of children play before and after school, as well as during the recess and lunch breaks. The oval is also used by a number of community groups including AusKick during the football season. Ms Symes was approached by the school who were concerned about the risks to safety from inadequate fencing and asked for funding solutions. Im very proud to have worked with the school community and the Minister for Education, James Merlino, to secure this vital funding for the safety fence upgrade, Ms Symes said. Upgrading of the perimeter fence around the school oval will mean increased safety for the school community and increased pride in the appearance of the school. Sport is vital in our schools, it teaches teamwork, leadership and motivation, the importance of training, practice, patience, discipline and mateship, and now the students can do this safely thanks to the new fencing.