Saleyard roof upgrade enters stage two

01 Mar 2017 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) STAGE two of the Euroa saleyard roofing project is well under way, with organisers rapt with the progress of contractors. Once complete, nearly 80 per cent of the saleyards will be under cover, a huge improvement for both man and beast according to local farmer and member of the Euroa Agricultural Society Richard McGeehan. The extension of the roof is a big deal for not only those who work or attend the saleyards during the heat of the day, but also for the livestock. It makes the whole precinct a lot more attractive to those considering using the yards into the future, he said. On a really hot day, it can become something of an OH&S issue having people out here working, and a concern for the welfare of cattle when they are cramped together in the pens exposed to the heat. Animal welfare has become much more of a concern to sellers in recent years, with the introduction of pen limits, soft floors, shading and access to water aimed at reducing the stress on stock during sales. The extension was made possible thanks to a State Government grant of $500,000 as part of a regional development package and the shire council also contributed $25,000. With the 1800 square metre extension of the roof, the saleyards now have an incredibly large space on top of the yards that they would like to take advantage of. We had a company show interest in putting solar panels on the roof, but that unfortunately fell through, Mr McGeehan said. Its a huge space, and we would bend over backwards for someone to come along who was keen to use the roof for a similar project. It is expected the project will be complete by late April 2017. Caption Text: MOVING AHEAD: Seven Creeks Ward councillor John Mason (left), Mayor Amanda McClaren, chief executive officer Steve Crawcour, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) director asset services Roy Hetherington and Seven Creeks Ward councillor Mick Williams inspect stage two of the Euroa Saleyards Roofing Project. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence