Separation tree planted to honour colonisation of Victoria from N

04 Oct 2017 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) A SAPLING from a historic tree symbolising the separation of the colony of Victoria from NSW has been planted at Euroas Seven Creeks Park. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) and Seven Creeks Councillor John Mason planted the sapling, which will one day grow into a River Red Gum known as the Separation Tree, which Strathbogie Shire Council received at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne. July 1, 1851 is known as Victoria Day or the day the state marks the anniversary Victoria separated from its northern neighbour state New South Wales. Several months earlier, thousands of people joined a parade from William Street (Melbourne) across the new Princes Bridge to the Botanic Gardens, where Superintendent Charles Latrobe made a speech beneath a grand River Red Gum, which became known as the Separation Tree. This tree was placed on the National Trust of Victorias Significant Tree Register in 1982, however, was years later vandalised between 2010 and 2013 and attempts to save the tree failed. In June 2015, arborists completed works to save it, leaving just the trunk and three leafless limbs. Wood from the eucalypt had been salvaged to be used in a way that honours the significance of the tree. Late last year, Seven Creeks Ward Councillor John Mason travelled to the Botanic Gardens and collected one of the Separation Tree saplings, with the hope of planting it right here in the Strathbogie Shire. Cr Mason said he was proud to witness the planting of a tree with such historical significance. The age of the original Separation Tree in the Botanic Gardens its estimated at about 400 years and today we planted another to hopefully grow into something just like it, he said. July 1851 was such a significant time for the state of Victoria and what better way to honour that milestone by planting a tree in one of the most beautiful parks in Victoria? Caption Text: HISTORIC PLANTING: Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Seven Creeks Ward councillor John Mason, planting the Strathbogie Shires very first Separation Tree. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.