Shelters given vital funding

01 Mar 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Two Benalla wildlife shelter operators have been given a small funding boost to help them care for sick, injured and orphaned wild life. The shelters will receive almost $1400 between them in a pool of $40 000 allocat ed to carers in the Northern Victoria area from the Wild life Rehabilitater Grants program. The program has supm ported licensed Victorian wildlife rehabilitaters since 2008 and allows shelter r operators and foster carers to purchase important equipment and infrastruct ure for the recovery of n native wildlife. The Andrews Labor Government is committed to supporting Victorias important wildlife rehabilitaters in Northern Victoria, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said. The Wildlife Rehabilitater Grants have provided financial support to many of Northern Victorias dedicated volunteers who house, feed and care for our wildlife when they need it most. Dedicated shelter operators and foster carers in country Victoria play a vital role in ensuring the return of many native animals back to their natural habitats. Our volunteer wildlife shelter operators and foster carers put in a lot of their own time and money into looking after our wildlife when they need it the most. So it is important that they are recognised and supported in their work. Caption Text: In the bag: Benalla wildlife shelters receive $1380 from the Victorian Government. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence