Victorians will be able to shape improvements to the states police oversight system to ensure it is strong, transparent and meets the needs of our diverse communities. The Andrews Labor Government launched a systemic review into police oversight earlier this year, in line with recommendation 61 of the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants and the 2018 IBAC Parliamentary Committees Inquiry into the external oversight of police corruption and misconduct in Victoria. The review, now open for public consultation, will deliver a strengthened and more effective police oversight system that places greater focus on the needs of complainants and victims of police misconduct. Submissions are welcome from all Victorians, with input particularly sought from people who have lived experience of police misconduct and complaints mechanisms. Reviewers are also looking for input from Aboriginal people, children and young people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people from the LGBTIQ+ community, women and survivors of family violence, and people experiencing social or economic disadvantage on these vital reforms. This input will be invaluable in building an oversight system that better meets community expectations, ensures people feel safe in making complaints about police conduct and supports Victoria Police to uphold the highest standards of accountability and integrity. The review forms part of the Governments ongoing work to reform the criminal justice system in the wake of the significant issues laid bare by the Royal Commission. The Government has provided $87.9 million to implement the Royal Commission recommendations, with significant work underway to deliver all recommendations. Victorians wishing to participate in the review can read the consultation paper, make a written submission or complete an anonymous survey on the Engage Victoria website at The consultation will be open until 1 February 2022. The Government expects to introduce legislation to reform Victorias police oversight system next year. Quotes attributable to Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes Its essential that we hear from Victorians as we work to strengthen the mechanisms for police oversight and accountability to ensure that these systems work effectively for everyone. This review is an important component of our plan for strong and far-reaching reform to make sure that the events leading up to the Royal Commission never happen again.