Symes pre-selected to stand again

17 May 2017 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) STATE upper house MP Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) has been preselected by the Australian Labor Party as a candidate for the Northern Victoria Region for the 2018 state election. Ms Symes, who is in her first term representing an elec torate that includes all of North East Victoria, thanked the many Labor Party members, colleagues and community members who had encouraged her to continue her work representing the best parts of Victoria. Im very proud of what I and the Andrews Government are delivering for Northern Victoria, she said. Under Labor it is now easier to get into the housing market, expand your business and like me raise your family in country Victoria. Whether it is rebuilding our schools like Benalla P-12 College, Seymour College or Echuca Primary School, investing in our hospitals including those in Mansfield, Shepparton, Wangaratta and Albury/Wodonga, supporting farmers and producers to access the market, creating jobs and boosting tourism opportunities with funding projects such as the North East cycling infrastructure or improving train services, Labor is delivering for Northern Victoria. Caption Text: IN FOR LIFE: Mansfields Mens Probus Club last week inducted two new life members to its ranks Tony Yeates (left) and John Nuttman (right), pictured with club presdient Ken Fisher They join with the only other current life member in George DArcy. Both Mr Yeates and Mr Nuttman have been members for well in excess of 20 years and have each held a huge variety of positions within the club over that time. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence