05 May 2017 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) IDEA TO VOTE IN ELECTIONS AT HOME Yes, everyone should be able to vote via on-line, but they would have to really put things in place to avoid problems like the debacle of the census. Anne OGrady If it is compulsory to vote for those that choose to register then yes all voters should be given the opportunity to vote online.21st century thinking instead of the 19th century would be good for a change. Ken Cowling READY TO MILK SHOPPER DISCONTENT Over 40 years ago, Kiewa milk was the only dairy prepared to supply my mothers small shop in southern NSW, I grew up on it and still try and only buy it. It will be terrible if it disappears. Michelle Dart Kiewa milk is the best it tastes so much better than all those other brands!! Please dont go. Tania Klippel Haberfields then Snowy Mountain now Kiewa Milk. Please keep Kiewa milk because its tastes nicer then homebrand. Dee Elaine Kiewa iced coffee in the morning, the best for an early morning wake up after a late night partying. Annette Polkinghorne FUMING OVER APPALLING STATE BUDGET True to formTim McCurdy talks down the massive investment in his own electorate. Something he completely failed to do for his electorate when in government. Steph Ryan tells porkies in her video. Benalla P-12 was funded in last years budget, Seymour is still in the planning stage. Labor is delivering for Northern Victoria through the hard work of Labor MP Jaclyn Symes. Adam Olive SECURING MILLS FUTURE Good to see a company standing by its workforce and community. As for energy prices the Prime Minister seems to enjoy playing for votes on gas while doing bugger all for actual energy cuts. Electricity costs have gone through the roof in past few years and it is all to do with greed for profit and little else but still nothing but vote catching barter from the politicians. Ken Cowling Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence