Works underway for brand new centre of excellence

20 Mar 2018 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) CONCRETE has been poured on Droadlord Secondary Colleges new 4,46 million English and Lileracy Cenlre ol Excellence. The school is building which will be an extension onto the library lo be opened In October. Droadlord Secondary College principal David Mills said he was exclled lo provide more opportunities lor students to learn. We are up to stage one ol our new building and we are very excited we are building skills up and working to Improve literacy all round, he said. This year our library rates have boomed. We have had 600 books borrowed Irom students and the stall is working very hard to bring the literacy up across the board. This new building will help our continued quest to Improve our students. The laying ol the concrete Is the end olour planning work lor two years. The design and collaboration phase has been a good process and we cant wall. Schools across Victoria are turning their attention to Improve literacy ol their students. The project was funded by the state government leading Member lor Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, to say she was proud to help students in the region. lh As a Droadlord resident, I am very proud to have obtained funding lor my community and Its exciting lo see the upgrade to Droadlord Secondary College get under way. Caption Text: New plans: this is what the Broadford Colleges upgrades will look like. It begins: fear 12 coordinator Peter Read and Principal David Mills with Connah Hopkins, Hope Tieni, Zack Harrison and Tara Gibson.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.