Young children urged to join challenge

02 May 2018 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes is encouraging Benallas parents to read more books with their young children. Her comments follow the launch of the Premiers Reading Challenge for the early years by Early Childhood Education Minister Jenny Mikakos. Parents, grandparents, carers, childcare centres and kinders can help children who have not started school complete the challenge by reading 40 books with them before September. Ms Symes said the idea was to inspire a love of reading in order to set them up for success later in life. Having two young children of my own I understand the importance of introducing reading and literature from a young age, Ms Symes said. Reading is a fundamental skill that will not only help children during their schooling years, but will go on to help them during their professional careers and throughout their lives. Research shows that regular reading with children from the day they are born is a simple way to boost their literacy and numeracy skills and improve their performance at school and future job prospects. This year marks the sixth year that the Premiers Reading Challenge has included the early years. More than 8000 children and families from across Victoria participated last year. The challenge will be accompanied by a digital campaign promoting the benefits of books for young kids, including interviews with authors and ideas on great books to share with children. Children can be registered for the Premiers Reading Challenge for the early Years online at events/prc/Pages/earlychildprof. aspx or at their early childhood service. Caption Text: Open a book: Parents across Victoria are being urged to read more books with their young children.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.