Young people to take the spotlight

02 Feb 2017 Corryong Courier, Corryong VIC (General News) Eighteen youth projects in Northern Victoria will share in nearly $40,000 in Victorian government fiinding to celebrate National Youth Week in March, Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, has announced. Ms Symes said each organisation would receive up to $2000 in funding to hold community youth events. Locally, the Corryong Neighbourhood House received a grant for its Stepping Up project and the Towong Shire was a recipient for its Body Beautiful project. The government is giving young people in country Victoria a chance to get together, showcase their diversity, skills and ideas, Ms Symes said. These events are a great way for us as a community to celebrate our youth, their skills and ideas. In past years, we have seen exciting activities and performances young people have put on in during National Youth Week and I am sure these will be just as successful. The state government will also host the inaugural Youth Summit on March 31,2017, marking the start of National Youth Week. National Youth Week will run from March 31 to April 9. For more information go to www. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.