$100,000 grant for redevelopment

31 Jan 2018 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) by Paul Murray Euroa cricket hitting sixes with Friendlies Oval upgrade A $210,000 redevelopment of Euroas Friendlies Oval will get under way after Labor Upper House MP Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) secured Andrews Labor Government funding for the project. Joining Euroa Cricket Club members and Strathbogie Shire last Thursday, Ms Symes announced $100,000 from the State Governments Community Sports Infrastructure Fund Cricket Facilities fund for the major redevelopment of Euroas Friendlies Oval. Ms Symes worked closely with the Euroa Cricket Club to secure funding for the project, with the club initially raising $50,000 and then approaching Strathbogie Shire to commit to undertake the master plan work required. Peter Morley from the Friendlies Reserve Committee of Management said it has been a long tough road but we are finally getting there. This grant is wonderful and has given us a real kick off for the next stage, he said. The redevelopment will see the oval upgraded and increased in size so it becomes compliant for senior competition games, have the current concrete wicket replaced with new turf wickets, and see a new fence constructed around the oval. This is a fantastic result and yet further proof that when the Euroa community come together they can achieve fantastic results, Ms Symes said. This community goes out and does the hard workthats what gets you to the top of the list for grants. From the cricket club to the netball club there is a lot happening in Euroa thanks to passionate locals who dont just put their hand out for funding, they work hard to secure community support and raise significant finances making it easier for me to put their case forward to the Sports Minister. The Friendlies redevelopment will enable the Euroa Cricket Club to grow, particularly through junior and womens cricket as well as benefiting junior and womens football. Deputy Mayor of Strathbogie Shire, Cr John Mason said the development would form an integral part of Euroas Gateway from the North. Rob Asquith put the development in its historical context by reminding those present that the Friendlies was the very first sporting oval in Euroa. It was deliberately located in a very prominent space and it will now be developed as it was envisaged way back in 1875, he said. The project is one of 25 across the state to gain funding in this round, and the projects are part of a four year initiative by the State Government, Cricket Victoria and Cricket Australia to improve cricket participation opportunities for all Victorians. Funding of up to $100,000 is available to local councils or organisations for development of new facilities or the upgrade of existing cricket facilities at clubs around the state. Works can include upgrading change rooms, developing training facilities such as cricket nets, improving access for players and visitors, and ground surface/draining improvements. Caption Text: SET FOR A FACELIFT: Euroas Friendlies Oval today and an impression of what it will look like. SUCCESS FOR FRIENDLIES: Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) speaks at the official grant announcement held at the Friendlies Reserve last week to Cr John Mason, deputy mayor of Strathbogie Shire.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.