$2.93 million growth boost, North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne

MITCHELL Shire residents are to get a boost to community spaces, with a $2.93 million investment under the first round of the Interface Growth Fund. Minister for local government, Natalie Hutchins, along with Cr Mayor Rodney Parker and Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green made the announcement at Wallan Primary School. Under the fund, four projects in the Mitchell Shire will receive grants comprising an early childhood facility, a youth centre and play spaces for local families. The largest project for the shire is the Wallan Integrate Community Learning Facility, to be built in the existing Wallan Primary School Grounds. Receiving a whopping $1.5 million, the facility will include a space for early childhood services and an outside play area. The fund will also contribute $950,000 to upgrades at Hadfield Park, including a wet-dry play space that will be visually and functionally integrated with a splash pad. The funds for the upgrades will see new seating, shade, upgraded toilets, change areas, car parking and pathways constructed at Hadfield Park. Hudson Park and Moore Court Reserve in Kilmore will also receive play space upgrades to the tune of $100,000. The fund will also contribute $387,000 for a youth centre in Broadford, making use of the former police station building, and providing out of schools services for local young people. Announcing the funding, Minister Hutchins said that the governments investment in the Interface Growth Fund ensured those in the outer municipalities got access to community facilities. Our Interface Growth Fund is helping to build community spaces that matter to locals, including playgrounds, community centres and parks, Minister Hutchins said. These projects will help make our growing communities better places to be, while also growing the local economy and creating jobs. Minister Hutchins commended the Mitchell Shire Council for its enthusiastic attitude. The Mitchell Shire Council is very good at stepping up to the plate, Minister Hutchins said. These projects benefit locals in a real way. There were 63 applications received across the 10 councils that included Mitchell Shire and its neighbours, Hume and Whittlesea. The applications totalled $120 million from which the government allocated $50 million. Cr Mayor, Rodney Parker, applauded the work of the state government and Minister Hutchins. With the population expected to double within the next 15 years, Mitchell Shire Council has estimated that more than 80,000 people will be living in the shire. Of that population, 25 per cent are expected to be under the age of 15. Cr Parker said that the planning and developing of community infrastructure is important for the youth of the community, so they can grow to be healthy, happy and part of our community. These are very worthy projects that the community can make great use of, said Cr Parker. This is a great project in Hadfield Park, Danielle Green said. The kids in Wallan are going to love it. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, acknowledged the value these projects will bring to the community. A new youth centre in Broadford and upgrades to playgrounds in Kilmore goes to the heart of what the Interface Growth Fund is designed to achieve community spaces that are wanted and needed by local residents, Ms Symes said. A second round of the Interface Growth Fund will commence shortly.