$22,605 to help fight graffiti

29 Jun 2016 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) Murals at Apex Park to discourage vandals ALPINE Shire Council will receive $22,605 to help fight graffiti vandalism and increase community confidence and safety. The funding was announced on Monday by Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) under the latest round of the 6 State Governments Graffiti Prevention Grants Program. Ms Symes said Alpine Shire Council would use its funding to install a series of murals at the Apex Park toilet facilities in Myrtleford to prevent graf fiti and educate local students about the consequences of participating in illegal graffiti. Communities welcome beautiful art, but graffiti vandalism is detested, not only does it affect the appearance of neighbourhoods, it influences perceptions of public safety and is expensive to remove, Ms Symes said. I would like to congratulate Alpine Shire Council for taking a proactive approach to help prevent illegal tagging and vandalism in their areas. These projects will help further beautify these lovely towns and increase perceptions of safety in the community. Ms Symes said these grants are another way that the government is supporting a safer Victoria by limiting the impacts of crime on the community through preventative rather than punitive measures. In the 2016/17 state budget, the Andrews Labor Government invested $19.4 million in the Community Crime Prevention Program to help communities across Victoria tackle the root causes of crime. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.