$400,000 to improve aged services, add extra rooms

29 Jul 2016 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) ILLOURA Residential Aged Care facility has received $400,000 in funding from the State Government. The funds will be used to improve service capacity to support bariatric residents, improve resident amenity and privacy. It will include the construction of four single rooms, convert four existing shared rooms to single premium rooms, provide an additional courtyard for new rooms and a fire escape pathway. Libby Fifis, director of clinical services nursing and midwifery at Illoura welcomed the announcement. We are delighted with the funding which will expand Illouras capacity to meet their growing demand, Ms Fifis said. The funding was part of a $2.1 million announcement for 24 Northern Victoria aged care facilities by Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria). Ms Symes said the initiative funds vital refurbishments that will assist older people in country Victoria to access the high quality public aged care services they deserve, close to home in the communities they helped build and support. Public aged care facilities become the home for many older people as well as being a major local employer, Ms Symes said. They play a special role in supporting the vulnerable Victorians with complex physical and or mental health needs. In addition to the $8 million for refurbishments, the State Government is also providing $1.45 million in grants for specialist care equipment and nurse training at all public sector residential aged care facilities, with approved high care places across Victoria. The works at Illoura are due to commence on August 15 and be completed by the end of February 2017. Caption Text: PLANNING AHEAD: Illoura Residential Aged Care resident Maureen Lane checks over the plans for the new building with Doug Wain (director of nursing) and Libby Fifis (director of clinical services nursing and midwifery). PHOTO: Shane Douthie Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.