A real kinder surprise, Macedon Free Press, Kilmore, VIC, North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne

KINDERGARTENS in Kilmore and Seymour are set to benefit from grants as part of the state governments kindergarten infrastructure improvements program. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, said the Marie Williams Kindergarten in Kilmore and the Goodstart Early Learning Centre in Seymour would receive a share of the $350,000 state-wide funding that will be distributed over 429 kindergarten programs. The Marie Williams Kindergarten will receive $1,300 to purchase a projector and screen for events, and within the classroom for sharing music and books. The Goodstart Centre in Seymour will receive $11,450 for the installation of a timber fort structure in the kindergarten yard with a bridge, fixed climbing ropes and tyres and two iPads to enhance student learning and for administrative purposes. The grants form part of the governments $50 million investment in the early childhood sector through the building and upgrading of kindergartens and childrens centres across Victoria. There will also be up to $83.7 million available over four years in additional funding to support kindergartens to transition to new staff qualification and ratio requirements. Better ratios will mean more one-on-one time for every child and boost the value Victorian families receive from the time their children spend at kindergarten, in preparation for school. Through these investments, we are helping prepare children for the transition from kindergarten to school and boosting the value of early years learning for northern Victoria families, Ms Symes said. As a parent of two young children, I know the importance parents place on our local kinders needing to be up to speed with the latest technology so our kids have opportunities to try different ways of learning.