20 Sep 2018 Hopetoun Courier & Mallee Pioneer, Hopetoun VIC (General News) MILDURAS Tony Alessi has been preselected as Labors candidate for the state seat of Mildura to contest the 2018 Victorian State Election to be held on Saturday, November 24. Mr Alessi grew up on a fruit block in Mildura south, attended Mildura High School, and has spent the last twenty years of his life operating private chiropractic businesses servicing the local community of Mildura. Tony, his wife and three daughters have been proud to call Mildura home. I am proud to be representing my community as the Labor candidate for Mildura, Mr Alessi said. Victorian Labor has consistently championed our communitys needs in jobs, health, education, the environment and social justice, and I want to continue that work to make the electorate of Mildura an even better place to live. I have been proud to support the community already through volunteering for the Mildura Rotary International. I am a Member of the Regional Advisory Council of the Victorian Multicultural Commission and the Mallee Regional Partnerships, both State Government bodies. I am also the Deputy Chairman of Arts Mildura. Through my work in the community I have seen first-hand the challenges facing young people, families, older Australians, people working in changing industries and our farmers. I know that in Mildura, Labor will keep working to provide better schools for our kids, more jobs for our growing community, better education and training services to keep people in the workforce, and improved access to health services and childcare. Labor through the Upper House Members for Northern Victoria, Mark Gepp and Jaclyn Symes are delivering for our region and I believe if elected on November 24, I can help further deliver for the good people of Mildura. I am proud of Labors investment in Mildura, but there is plenty of work to do. I want to help ensure that an Andrews Labor Government continues to invest in our hospitals as Labor has done with the Mildura Base Hospital, our schools as Labor has done in Mildura, Robinvale, Hopetoun, Irymple, Cardross and Merbein, TAFE as Labor has with our own SuniTAFE Mildura Campus, sporting and community facilities and creating job opportunities like the Mildura Airport Extension Project. We have a growing and changing community here in the Mildura Electorate, and we need to cater for that growth in our towns while at the same time helping and growing our world-class farming and manufacturing sectors. I believe the Mildura electorate needs a strong voice in parliament and I want to be that voice for the people of Mildura with my Labor colleagues Mark Gepp and Jaclyn Symes. The National Party have taken the people of Mildura for granted for too long, as they see the seat as safe. Mildura families need a voice in Government every day, not just at election time, and I will be a strong voice fighting every day for our community.