Anger at politics in CFA bill decision

02 Apr 2018 Bendigo Advertiser, Bendigo VIC (General News) THE future of the state governments bill to reorganise Victorias fire services is unclear after it was voted down following a marathon session in parliaments upper house on Friday. The Coalitions decision to renege on an agreement to grant a pair for the vote drew anger from Labor and the Greens. Liberal MPs Craig Ondarchie and Bernie Finn were provided a pair for religious reasons, and two Labor MPs agreed to abstain from the vote. But the two Liberal MPs walked back into the upper house in time for the vote, meaning the bill was defeated. MPs had sat all night debating the bill, which would replace the MFB with Fire Rescue Victoria and the CFA would become a volunteer-only entity. It was the first time parliament has sat on Good Friday. Liberal leader Matthew Guy said he was proud of their decision to defeat the bill, but Labor member for northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said it was pretty poor by the MPs to walk back in after asking for a pair for religious reasons.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.