Apply for action grants

14 Mar 2018 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) The Victorian Government has announced $2 million for 2018 Community and Volunteer Action Grants under the Biodiversity On-ground Action Initiative. The grants are designed to help community groups in Northern Victoria protect the future of the states biodiversity. Expressions of interest are also being sought from groups interested in developing their crowdfunding, social media and marketing skills through free workshops in the form of Crowdfunding Grants. Grants up to $2000 will be made available to successful applicants to develop crowdfunding campaigns that raise funds for threatened species and biodiversity projects in Victoria. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said grants up to $50 000 were available to help communities continue the valuable work they were already doing to protect and expand habitats for Victorias native plants and animals on public and private land. The Andrews labor Government will match any of these campaigns that successfully reach their crowdfunding target, up to $25 000, Ms Symes said. There is significant work being done in Northern Victoria by local landcare, environmental, and community groups as we saw with more than 20 projects approved under last years funding round. I expect there to be significant interest again in this latest funding round and encourage local farming, landcare, environmental, and community groups to apply. Together, government, environment organisations, industry, businesses and the community can slow the decline of our natural environment. To find out more or to apply for a grant visit: biodiversity/biodiversity-on-ground-actionLicensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.